memperbaiki unable to lock the list directory" di Ubuntu

Pertama-tama ingin nyoba nginstall aplikasi di linux menggunakan perintah :
apt-get install

Ternyata saat saya coba malah muncul :
E: Couldn't find package

Tanpa basa-basi langsung meluncur ke Mbah Google kenapa ini bisa terjadi. Setelah muter-muter jalan yang dikasih ama Mbah akhirnya nemu, katanya harus di update dulu menggunakan perintah
apt-get update

saya juga tidak mengetahui untuk meng-update apa perintah itu , karena saya masih newbie di linux alias baru pakai linux kemaren-kemaren.
Setelah dicoba perintah update diatas eh masalah baru muncul :
E: Unable to lock the list directory

tanpa basa - basi untuk kedua kalinya langsung aja nanya lagi ke Mbah Google, akhirnya dapet perintah :
fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

Ternyata masalah ini karena ada apt-get yang dulu saya pernah jalankan namun saya cancel di tengah jalan. Jadi untuk mengatasinya bisa juga dengan perintah :

apt-get autoremove

Setelah meng-eksekusi perintah di atas akhirnya perintah apt-get update dan apt-get install sudah berjalan dengan lancar lagi dan tentunya untuk meng-update harus ada koneksi internet

How apt-fast

Matt Parnell of a geek who is well known, makes the syntax for the install process from the server to be faster, view of the increasing number of users in Indonesia, which has a low bandwidth, this method may be very useful.

But to be able to use it would be maximal if mated with axel download accelerator, how to just type the command:

$sudo apt-get install axel

okay immediately wrote .. how do I install it? only 3 lines of command ...

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/ $sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install apt-fast

The above commands can be used to install like (apt-fast update, apt-fast upgrades, apt-fast dist-upgrade, apt-fast-install), you try to update it ...

Instalation Ubuntu or Linux for Flashdisk

In this tutorial I want to explain a tutorial on how to install Linux using a flash.
This method is claimed to be easier and faster than if we install Linux using a CD or DVD media. Almost all kinds of Linux distributions also support the installation using the
Before that you need a minimum of 1GB of flash size. You also need the UNetbootin for Linux iso extract files into flash.
In addition, your PC or laptop must support booting from flash.

To download the UNetbootin you can click here. UNet
bootin is available for Windows and Linux.

Various Linux distributions you can download the iso file it here.

Once everything is prepared, you can begin to
install Linux using the flash.

Open the UNetbootin application you have downloaded.

Select diskimage.

Then search for Linux iso file that you downloaded ear

In the Type field select the USB Drive, in column Drive select the drive letter you want to install flash.

The installation will last for approximately 10 minutes, depending on the speed of transfer of your flash.
After clicking Reboot to start installing Linux.

When the computer restarts do not forget the BIOS settings for your laptop or PC can boot from flash. Usually by pressing F1, F2, F12, ESC, or backspace.

Instalation Windows for Flashdisk

hose who have read my postings Install Windows Xp Fr
om Flashdrive Solution Install Windows without a CD-Rom, this way we can install windows through flash so that is a solution that is suitable for you who want to install windows if you do not have a CD-Rom. In this way we need some files USB_PREP8 and PEtoUSB and through some step that is long enough as well.

Now there is another solution that exactly the same as this, we can make a flash to install windows on a computer. What I mean is WinToFlash, a
program that is about 6MB, with WinToFlash we can move all the contents of the windows installer cd and make the flash bootable and ready to install the windows os. Simply download WinToFlash, then we just run a few steps then it will get a flash that is bootable, more practical than the former.

Here are the steps to install windows by using WinToFlash

What is needed:

- Flash (min, 1GB)

- A computer with a cd / dvd room to create a bootab
le flash

- A computer without the cd room (a computer that wi
ll be installed windowsnya)

1. download WinToFlash


2. Extract the downloaded file, then carifile

3. klik windows setup transfer wizard

then we have to menu wizard mode, then press next.

in this step select the drive (cd rom) where cw installer windows are

while for the usb drive, select the drive from your flash.

6. After selecting the 2 drivers above, then click NEXT

7. then we will see a popup menu of "I Accepted the terms of the license agreement" just press CONTINUE

8. then we will be asked to reformat the flash you

pesanya as follows:

Warning! Formatting will of the erase ALL DATA on the target disk. To format press OK, press Cancel to quit

9. after you click OK the flash will be in the format and then transfer the installer files to the flash will be running windows

10. Next wait until FINISH, after you already have a flash bootable and ready to install on any computer or laptop without cd-rom

The following steps will install when using this bootable flash

1. input flash on a computer that will be installed

2. booting the computer from the flash

if you do not know how to boot from the flash, when you turn the computer / notebook very first press F2 and go into the bios menu.

look for the boot menu, then pilihflashdisk as the primary boot. then press F10 to Save and Exit

after that restart your pc / notebook you,

now you've booted from the flash and select

1st, text mode setup (Boot from flash again after finished)

after the first restart select

2nd, the GUI mode setup, continue setup 1st start of Windows

Good Luck ^_^