Kode HTML Tulisan

For my friends who want to display text that can move or seriing called animated text, you can learn the material on this baawah:

1. Using the marquee

Marquee is an HTML tag that can give the effect of motion on a text from several directions ,,,,, Carana are as follows:

<marquee>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

It had a basic code of the tag animation walk, treating more beautiful unruk writings, we, need to add my other animation animation-like direction, behavior, scrollamount, scrolldelay, loops and bgcolor. for more details, please see the example dobawah nie ...

<marquee direction='right'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee direction='left'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee direction='up'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

<marquee direction='down'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

<marquee behavior='scroll'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee behavior='slide'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee behavior='alternate'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

<marquee scrollamount='20'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee scrollamount='50'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

<marquee scrolldelay='150'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee scrolldelay='200'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

<marquee loop='3'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee loop='5'>Belajar blog</marqueetunyaten>
Belajar blog

<marquee bgcolor='yellow'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog
<marquee bgcolor='blue'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blo

nah ...., from the example above of course tmen-tmen can combine the tags to be sbuah new animation, just as below ..

<marquee direction='up' behavior='alternate' scrollamount='35'>Belajar blog</marquee>
Belajar blog

For another combination please kreasikan themselves within their view that you want.

Animation effects by using the "blink"

Blink is an HTML tag that can give effect to flash from a text. Here's how the writing of blink tags and the resulting effects:

<blink>Belajar blog</blink>
Belajar blog


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wah lha pelajaran ku kls 1 ki. .hha

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you must have forgotten,,,,????

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