Application for Ubuntu

The following are applications that exist on ubuntu please try

Salah besar jika pengguna Linux tidak pernah menggunakan perintah console, karena (sebenarnya) disinilah salah satu kenikmatan menggunakan Linux :d Nah, Tilda adalah console yang terinspirasi dari game tenar di tahun 90-an yaitu Quake. Tilda berfungsi membuat tampilan console menjadi jauh lebih menyenangkan.

sudo apt-get install tilda

2.Ubuntu Tweak

Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that lets you change hidden Ubuntu settings, for example: hide or change the splash screen, show or hide icons Computer, Home, Trash, and Network, change Metacity, Nautilus, power management and security settings, etc.. Currently, Ubuntu Tweak is available only for the Ubuntu GNOME desktop, it will not be used to Kubuntu or Xubuntu. This post will provide guidance separately install and use Ubuntu Tweak.

Install Ubuntu Tweak through the Ubuntu repositories:

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

Install Ubuntu Tweak through manual

Your download file in here

make instalasi

$ cd /media/your file save

$ sudo dpkg -i ubuntu-tweak_0.5.7-1_all.deb

Especially for those who prefer to use a shortcut than have to click-click menu:) But make no mistake, Gnome-Do is not only used to call the application, but Gnome-Do-with dozens of plugins, can be used for other things that may never have imagined You are: d

sudo apt-get install gnome-do

4.Gnome Global Menu
Nah bagi yang sudah terbiasa atau menganggap bahwa model menu Mac OS lebih nyaman digunakan, maka Anda harus menginstall applet yang satu ini di Gnome.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:abhidg/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-globalmenu

I use Thunderbird because it does not like the Ubuntu default email client Evolution. In addition, I have been using Thunderbird for more than 5 years with a fixed data continues to be maintained. Alhamdulillah although the data are already very large, Thunderbird still does not reveal a problem.

sudo apt-get install thunderbird

6.Chromium Web Browser
For some reason, I long to be not too comfortable using Firefox after the emergence of Chromium on Ubuntu. Firefox often deplete memory notebook: (Also, it feels faster than Firefox browsing using Chromium.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser


Call Ubuntu Tweak, open the Applications -> Add / Remove and search and check the Chromium Browser and Apply.

7.Pidgin (since 9.10)
Ubuntu 9.10 brings Empathy as the default IM while I still prefer using Pidgin.

sudo apt-get install pidgin

Actually I very rarely chat using Skype, which was not also use it for internet telephony. More often I use Skype to transfer files

Call Ubuntu Tweak, open the Applications -> Add / Remove and search and check the Skype and App

9.CompizConfig Settings Manager
These are tools to enable a variety of eye candy of Compiz.

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-setting-managers

10.Liferea Feed Reader
Tools aggregator that I use to follow many blogs and the media through RSS.
sudo apt-get install liferea

Exaile Music Player
I'm using Exaile since Amarok has the look of his overacting in version 2.0
sudo apt-get install exaile

This application is a lot I use to record ideas, ideas and a few other things that are very difficult to be made in plain text form.

This tool allows you to view the contents of a file without having to open the application. Its function is to help job and it looks really cool to make Gloobus is one of the tools that you must install

make install
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/gloobus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gloobus-preview

Tools capture screen (screenshot) with many features (comparable to the application on Windows).
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shutter

Tosun VirtualBox
As the name implies, this tool is a virtual machine that can be used to install various operating systems for various purposes.

Geany saya gunakan sebagai editor script PHP. Editor ini ringan dan memiliki banyak fitur yang membantu dalam pembuatan script PHP.
sudo apt-get install geany

Player on Linux is actually very much with their respective advantages and disadvantages. SMPlayer because I like how it looks simple and not fancy
sudo apt-get install smplayer

Well, the latter is an application that allows you to write blogs. Bilbo supports a variety of blog engines, including WordPress. MovableType and Blogger. If you are former Windows users who frequently use Livewriter, Bilbo is a replacement application in Linux
sudo apt-get install bilbo

Cairo-Dock is a navigation menu that can be easier for us to run the application without opening the start menu but just by clicking a shortcut on the Dock. Cairo-Dock similar to MacOS Dock owned and like Rocket Dock on Windows.

The first thing we should do is download the package Cairo-Dock, click here to download the Cairo-Dock. .

Select the latest version to improve the performance of Ubuntu and install Cairo-Dock and its plug-ins to your computer.

To select the Ubuntu derivative package, select the extension *. deb
To select other packages, select the extension *.

your instalasi

1.sudo dpkg-i-cairo dock_v2.0.7_i686.deb
2.sudo dpkg-i-cairo-Dock plug-ins_v2.0.7_i686.deb
3.sudo apt-get install libcairo2 librsvg2-2 libglitz1 libglitz-glx1

20. VLC player
application for Music
make install
$ sudo apt-get install vlc

Good Luck ^_^...


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